

How to Conquer Your Imposter Syndrome

What you'll Learn

What Imposter Syndrome actually is

Do you have it? Or are you just lacking confidence in yourself? We'll find out today.

Why do you (specifically) experience it?

How come you are the lucky recipient? Spoiler alert: it's not what you might think.

How to eliminate it from ever being a problem

Imposter Syndrome is so 2014. Let's get over it once and for all.

Dear Seller,

If this all resonates with you, you need to keep going. It’s time to get out of your own way and start achieving success easily.

You probably feel like there are a bunch of roadblocks in your path to success. And I’m guessing the majority of them are self-imposed.

You don’t have to have all the extra weight of this self-doubt and imposter syndrome dragging you down while you’re trying to achieve your goals. You don’t have to be the thing that is getting in your own way

You need to join my small group coaching program. In this group, we overcome imposter syndrome.

We completely neutralize it so that you no longer have to pull that weight along with you.

But, that isn’t all you need. 

Just eliminating Imposter Syndrome isn’t enough.

In my small group program, we remove the negative feelings, and then we replace them with your own personal operating system that generates all the positive feelings. When you feel great, you take great action.

When you feel great, you don’t have to use willpower to force yourself to do the things that will make you a success. You naturally want to do those things.

Where most people go wrong is that they try to put lipstick on a pig.

It’s like if you eat a bunch of trash food, but you have it with a green smoothie. You’ve got good intentions, but the green smoothie really isn’t going to do much. You’ve got to get all the trash out of your system first, and then you’ll have room for the positive stuff.

That’s what we do in this coaching program.

If you want to get out of your own way, schedule a call with me below.

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About Amber

I am a Performance Coach for Account Executives in Tech. I’ve worked with hundreds of clients to help them get out of their own way.

If you are the biggest thing holding yourself back, we need to talk.

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