I want to explain an idea called “Psychological Safety.”
Google did an internal study to find out the attributes of their best performing teams, and the number one attribute was Psychological Safety.
What is Psychological Safety?
Team members feel safe to take risks and be vulnerable in front of each other. The result of having psychological safety on a team is that the team will gel together better as a team, and more innovation will happen.
How do you measure it?
Amy Edmondson of Harvard first introduced the construct of “team psychological safety,” and here’s the assessment she uses to measure it on a team.
How strongly do you agree or disagree with these statements?
- If you make a mistake on this team, it is often held against you.
- Members of this team are able to bring up problems and tough issues.
- People on this team sometimes reject others for being different.
- It is safe to take a risk on this team.
- It is difficult to ask other members of this team for help.
- No one on this team would deliberately act in a way that undermines my efforts.
- Working with members of this team, my unique skills and talents are valued and utilized.
How do you foster psychological safety?
- Frame the work as a learning problem, not an execution problem.
- Acknowledge your own fallibility.
- Model curiosity and ask lots of questions.
Specifically, as the manager, there are easy things you can do to foster psychological safety. Here are some ideas from Google’s vast list:
Demonstrate engagement
For example, be present and focus on the conversation (not your laptop or phone)
Show understanding
Validate comments verbally (“I understand.” “I see what you’re saying.”)
Be inclusive in interpersonal settings
Express gratitude for contributions from the team
Be inclusive in decision-making
Acknowledge input from others (e.g., highlight when team members were contributors to a success or decision)
Show confidence and conviction without appearing inflexible
Model vulnerability; share your personal perspective on work and failures with your teammates
I’d love to hear your thoughts and questions about psychological safety. Does this resonate with you?