
Do you think you’re just lazy?

For a long time I thought I was just lazy.

I decided it was just part of my personality, and I just wasn’t a motivated person like “other” people were.

I now realize that motivation isn’t common.

I rarely feel motivated to do something.

If I wait for motivation to come before I take action on something, I’ll probably never do it.

So instead, I use my pre-frontal cortex to plan out how I can achieve my highest human potential (so cool that there’s already a part of my brain focused on this!), and I schedule the time when I’ll take action.

99% of the time, when that reminder pops up on my calendar, I don’t want to do whatever it is I decided I would do.

The motivation isn’t there.

I want to do anything else.

But I do it anyway.

There’s no greater feeling than crossing something off a list.

And there’s no harder feeling to get over than not wanting to start. Ha!

Now that I know I won’t feel motivated, and that I won’t want to do it, it’s a lot easier to get started.

There’s nothing wrong with me.

I’m just like everyone else.

But the difference between the people who accomplish their dreams, and the ones who don’t, is that the people who accomplish their dreams work even when there is no motivation to be found.

I like to think of my future self and how proud she will be of me.

She’s going to be so thrilled that I didn’t waste time, and I got it done.

And I look forward to the satisfaction of crossing things off the list.

There’s nothing better.

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