
Episode 89 – Why you should be active on LinkedIn

Hey everyone! This week I want to preach to you about how amazing LinkedIn is right now.

This isn’t going to last forever, so I highly recommend y’all getting active on LinkedIn right now.

Listen in to learn more.

Come talk with me at amberdeibert.com/consult

And CONNECT WITH ME ON LINKEDIN! linkedin.com/in/amberdeibert


Achiever’s Podcast


Hello, Hello!

you guys, I just have to say it’s so funny recording these podcasts because whenever I listen to podcasts, I’m like in the room with that person listening, which I know you feel the same way about me. And when you’re recording a podcast, I don’t know if you have your own podcast, but when you’re recording one, you’re literally like I’m sitting in a room by myself talking to myself, laughing at myself.

Sorry. He’s hoping that you, you all are laughing with me. Like at least if I’m doing a group meeting. I can see the reactions of people, or if I’m in a room, I can see the reactions of people I can find out if my jokes are landing. If they’re not.

So I just have to imagine that all of you are dying, laughing at everything [00:01:00] that I say. And I get enough feedback from people that you do think it’s funny. So I’m going to continue to laugh at myself, but it does feel a little bit awkward to talk. To yourself at yourself. I’m always like, oh gosh, can my husband hear me in the other room?

He’s gonna hear me. Just sitting here, laughing at myself. Okay. That aside today, I want to talk with you about linked in. So I’ve been on LinkedIn since the eon of time. Just kidding. I’ve been on LinkedIn. I mean, I think I joined in like 2008, probably. So I’m not new to LinkedIn. And I went back and looked like, I wonder where my very first post was.

And it looks like I’ve posted at least once a year, every year, since 2008. And I’ve been posting consistently on LinkedIn since I started my business in 2018.

But this year, 2022, I learned a new training and I was like, you know what, I’m just going to try this. I’m just going to try being consistent. On [00:02:00] LinkedIn. So I have consistently posted on LinkedIn. I’ve missed, like. Two days, I think this whole year. Excluding weekends. I don’t really do weekends.

And I can’t tell you what a freaking gold mine at LinkedIn is right now. I tried to tell everybody who listens. And even those who don’t listen. Like I got some unsolicited advice for you. You should be on LinkedIn. Well, let me tell you why. So I figured I’d just share all of that with all of you.

LinkedIn is this beautiful, amazing place because there is not enough content and there are so many eyeballs and I’m saying this it’s what April. 2022. So I do not think that this will last. I think that it will become over. It will become flooded with content just like other. Platforms do, but you think about Instagram in the very beginning, you had a bunch of eyeballs and not that many people posting and now there’s [00:03:00] way too much content.

So they have to filter out the content. So even the people who were following you don’t see all of your content because of the quote unquote algorithm. Right? Whereas LinkedIn does not have enough content right now, and they have a bunch of eyeballs. And so your content gets shared far and wide, which is so unusual for social media.

The other thing that I love about LinkedIn right now is that. I worried it was going to be this like, place full of. Excuse me, but grumpy old men who were just going to pick me apart and tell me everything that I was doing wrong. And I have had some of that on LinkedIn. I guess maybe twice I’ve had people say something like, you don’t know what you’re doing. This is ridiculous. Blah, blah, blah, terrible advice.

That happened in the past, and it has not happened at all this year. And I feel like the culture on LinkedIn right now is so wonderful. There are a bunch of creators on there, like me. And what I found is that we all cheer each other on. The really crazy [00:04:00] thing. I’m going to tell you all the inside tips.

The really crazy thing is, so I track all my stats and I get a lot more visibility. On my profile. If I comment on other people’s content versus posting my own content. So I do bowls, I post my own content and comment on other people’s content. But it’s kind of crazy. I was thinking about it last night. It’s kind of like, you go to like an art gallery and you’re going around looking at every artist’s work and you like are like, oh, that piece of sculpture, it looks interesting. I’m obviously an artist.

So you go look at this sculpture like, oh, that’s really interesting. And it’s like below the sculpture. R like everybody’s business cards who have come and visited that sculpture. The really crazy thing about LinkedIn is that when you comment, it shows your name and your tagline. Like, if you think about Instagram, I could comment on somebody else’s thing. But the only thing that it shows is

my handle. So at first, my handle on [00:05:00] Instagram was Amber Deibert, but then I was like, if I comment on other people’s stuff, They’re not going to have any idea of like, who is Amber divert? What does Amber divert? So I changed it to Amber diaper coaching so that maybe it would even be like, kind of intriguing, like, oh, like coaching, what is this all about?

Whereas with LinkedIn, it shows my name and it shows my tagline, my tagline right now it says something about confidence, coach for sales. AEs in SAS who experienced imposter syndrome. So somebody sees my tagline and they’re like, oh, interesting. A confidence coach. She helps in sales. So I just go and comment and give like meaningful comments on.

All the thought leaders in sales. So they might say something like like one that I saw this morning, he was saying like, really think like what’s the worst case scenario. And so I commented and I was like, this is so key. This is a really important thing to do. I find that most of my clients don’t look at what the worst case scenario is.

They just are afraid of it. It’s like this dark tunnel. Whereas, if you just flip the [00:06:00] lights on, you’ll see that it’s really not as bad as you think. So I try to add content that is relevant. That is helpful for them. That maybe teaches us. I love giving book recommendations like, oh, there’s a great book about this. You should read X, Y, Z.

And what happens is everybody who’s looking at their content, then also sees my comment and they see who I am and what I help with.

Another thing that has been amazing on LinkedIn is that I feel like a few years ago, the only things you would see on LinkedIn where people like reposting that their company is having a webinar and it was so boring, like I don’t freaking care about whatever this cloud solution is. Like, I. It’s not for me.

And now the content that I post on LinkedIn really resonates because it’s helpful. It’s useful, it’s personal development. It’s helping you to be a better person. And so it stands out so much. Among the webinars. Which I feel like there’s not as much of that. These days thankfully

I feel like it’s changed and it’s [00:07:00] gotten a lot better. But it turns out when you mark it like a human and you share content that humans would like, they’d like it.

I feel like for the longest time, LinkedIn was super corporate, super salesy, not relatable, and now it’s getting much more relatable, but still in a professional development way. So if I were to recommend which I am in case you haven’t caught it, somebody’s posting on LinkedIn. I think if you were an entrepreneur.

Post and share your entrepreneurial journey. You will find. Not only business partners, you’ll find new clients, you’ll find new people that can kind of share that environment with you and like be alongside you as you grow your business. You might find new employees on there. If you are a salesperson or even just like a whatever corporate employee sharing about yourself and your personal brand will help you to get a, if you’re in sales, more clients.

Be more [00:08:00] business opportunities. See more job opportunities. I have a client that I’m working with right now, who is so interesting. He is toward the end of his career. And he’s trying to figure out how to finish out. Not strong, but like how to finish out his corporate or his working life. In an interesting way and something that feels really fulfilling to him while also.

Living the life that he wants to live. And he has all this fascinating content to share. And I encouraged him to just start posting on LinkedIn. Like just start posting it. And low and behold it’s been. I think he’s posted three times now. It’s been like maybe a month. And he has. Been approached by kind of like the dream company that if you worked for any company, this would be it.

Already. And he has hardly even like cracked the surface of what he could share and the knowledge that he has. But just as he’s putting out there, the things that he cares about, he’s [00:09:00] attracting all the people who care about the same things. I’m telling you what LinkedIn is amazing right now for building your personal brand for creating new economic opportunity for yourself, whether that’s in the form of clients.

New jobs. new employees. New business partners. It’s such an amazing place. At the very least go on and start commenting on other people’s content.

That’s a really easy way to get started, where it feels a lot less risky. But yet you can still start to kind of build that muscle of interacting and commenting and creating content and writing. And if I were Q I would just. Start consistently posting on LinkedIn. I know it feels so scary because people are like, if I post on LinkedIn, my employer’s going to see it. And then they’re going to fire me.

He’s like. It feels very threatening to people. And I totally get that, but it’s so funny. I was talking to a friend who is self-employed and was feeling that [00:10:00] same risk. I’m like, what’s the worst that could happen. Your boss is going to fire you. And he’s like, you know, Never can trust that guy.

So I really encourage you to go start posting and if you’re nervous about it, because it’s something that you’ve never done before, my guess is you don’t have a large following. So it’s actually not a huge risk. Like maybe a couple people will see your post. Whereas if you had like tens of thousands of followers, like quite a few people could see your post and yes, maybe you’d make a fool of yourself in front of a bunch of people.

But right now, I’m guessing if you haven’t been posting, you don’t have a lot of connections. So go out. Practice posting. By the time you do have a lot of connections. You’ll be a wizard at it, and you’ll be super practiced in super in that skill because you have done it so much. My last tip about LinkedIn is follow Justin Welsh. He is a LinkedIn he’s. I mean,

I don’t even know if he’s like a LinkedIn guru. He’s like a, how to be a [00:11:00] solopreneur kind of a guy. But he talks about how to write your content for LinkedIn. He has a course called the operating system that I purchased. And I have to tell you what was the best $150 I’ve spent? I honestly think it’s probably the most valuable content that I’ve ever purchased and I’ve spent.

Tens of thousands of dollars on courses and coaching since I’ve been a business owner. And this $150, like his course is amazing. It’s the best course I’ve ever purchased and it’s $150. So go out there. Don’t spend all your time watching the course and deciding that you have to finish it before you post just start posting.

And if you want to figure out how to optimize it, go check out Justin Walsh. His course is called the operating system. All right, everybody. That’s it for today. If you want to find out more about me, you can go to Amber divert.com. You can schedule a call to talk with me. If you are interested in coaching with me, I’ll tell you, oh, my LinkedIn’s tips and secrets.

And you can schedule a call with me at Amberdeibert.com/consult. And lastly, if you want to see all my amazing content, let’s be friends on LinkedIn. Come find me amber Deibert. you can go to linkedin.com/in/amberdeibert i’ll see you there

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