
How to find out what you want to do with your life

Do you sometimes feel like you’re floating through life without a lot of direction?

I have a lot of clients come to me and say that they aren’t sure what to do next in their career.

It is SO common.

They have a lot of drive and ambition, but they’re not sure where to go with it.

What will make them happiest in their career? What will bring them the most fulfillment?

Will they look back in 20 years and resent themselves for not pushing harder and getting into a better place?

If you can relate, this is for you. I’m going to teach you how to find out what is most important to you in your life.

Step one – Think about the end

The first step is to start with the very end.

Think about your funeral.

What do you want people to say about you? How do you want to be remembered? What do you want to be remembered for?

Make a quick list. It doesn’t have to be perfect. It can be changed later.

This is an easy way to figure out what you want out of life, and what is most important to you

Step two – Think about the nearer future

Now that you know the end destination, you can start to build out the middle.

Think about 10 years from now. Where do you need to be in 10 years to get yourself closer to your end of life goals?

You can create anything you want, so don’t hold back.

After you’ve got a rough draft of 10 years from now, follow the same steps to get a plan for 5 years from now.

Now you know where you want to be in 10 years, so where do you need to be in 5 years to build into that plan.

Step three – Plan the immediate future

By this point you have your end of life goals, 10 year goals, and 5 year goals.

Next think about where you want to be a year from now.

What do you need to accomplish in the next year to set yourself up for your 5 year goals?

Once you’ve got your 1 year picture built, it helps to break it down into smaller pieces that your brain can digest.

Let’s say you want to have a book written in a year.

That goal, alone, isn’t very actionable. There are lots of smaller pieces that need to go into it. So break it up.

Maybe you decide that you will write one chapter per month to get to your goal of 12 chapters by the end of the year.

Your brain can focus on that smaller goal much easier than the larger goal. It will have a better idea of what to do to write one chapter this month.

And there you go!

You’re well on your way to achieving your life’s goals and understanding what you want out of life.

If you want someone to take you through this exercise and help you get really clear on what you want out of life, I want to be your coach.

Get started at https://amberdeibert.com/consult

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