
How to stop being affected by what other people do

Let’s be honest. Do you sometimes wish the people around you would change so you could finally feel better?

If only they weren’t so annoying, you wouldn’t have to feel so annoyed all the time, right?

As a recovering control freak, enthusiast myself, I used to always feel this way.

If I didn’t like a coworker, I felt like I had to change jobs. They affected me too much.

And then at the new job, inevitably, there would be another coworker who I didn’t want to be around (I mean really, where do all these people come from?).

I knew I was the common denominator, but I didn’t know how to change my feelings toward them.

This simple idea has changed everything for me.

I have now learned the difference between a Fact and a Thought.

There are so many things that we think are just facts.

“This person is annoying. It’s a fact.”

But here’s the definition of a fact:

A fact is something that everyone in the world would agree on.

Would everyone in the entire world agree that a particular person is annoying? Nope. So it isn’t a fact.

But then if it isn’t a fact, what is it?

It’s just a thought.

The wonderful news about this is that it is a thought that is generated in your very own head.

…and if it’s coming from your own head, then you have complete control over changing it. Go with me here.

Nothing outside of you has to change. That person doesn’t have to do anything different. If you want to feel differently, all you have to do is change the way you think about them.

This is the very best news for control enthusiasts.

By learning to use this tool, we can be in complete control of what we think and how we feel, and NOTHING outside of us has to change.

…I haven’t had much luck changing people. Have you?

However, now I’m in control of how I feel. No one can dictate how I feel. It’s all up to me. And it is SO freeing.

If you want to go deep and learn all about this, sign up for a consultation with me. Go to amberdeibert.com/consult to get started.

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