
One trick to dramatically improve your goal achievement

I’ve always been a habitual goal setter.

…however, I haven’t done as well on the goal achieving side.

This one trick dramatically changed the amount of goals I achieved (and no, it isn’t SMART goals, sorry).

The one thing you must do

Most of us plan our goals, but aren’t exactly definitive about them.

For example, one of my new years resolutions for many years has been to “get in shape.”

That isn’t very clear. What kind of shape are we talking about? What’s the destination here?

Arguably, I could look at my current physique, decide that it is a shape, and call the goal complete before I even take any action.

So the one thing you must do is focus on the outcome you want.

The way I like to think about it is what will I be able to show people when I have accomplished this goal?

What is the thing I will be able to hold in my hand?

Instead of “get in shape” I might decide to “complete 25 workouts.”

Instead of “launch a business” I might change it to “launch a website.”

Get super clear on the outcome you are going to achieve.

What will you be able to show when you’re done.

This will help your brain to take action, and define the steps to get there.

Pretty soon, you’ll be showing off your new achievement.

Do you have a big goal you want to accomplish? Big goals are my specialty. Let me coach you there.

Get started at amberdeibert.com/consult

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