
What will give you fulfillment in life?

I’m a coach who helps driven people get out of their own way.

These people come to me in two different forms.

  1. A person who knows what they want, but they aren’t taking the action they need to take to get there
  2. A person who isn’t satisfied with where they are currently, but they don’t know what will bring them the satisfaction they are looking for

If you identify with the second group, this post is for you.

I have a favorite assessment that I send basically everyone to. It’s called the Stand Out assessment, and it was developed by Marcus Buckingham.

You can take the online assessment here.

What I really like about this assessment is that it will tell you what you are naturally strong at.

All too often, we focus our energy on improving our weaknesses.

It’s so easy to see what we’re weak at.

But Marcus Buckingham has a different approach.

What if instead of focusing all your energy on your weaknesses, you optimized for your strengths instead?

The tricky thing about optimizing for your strengths is that we typically don’t know what are strengths are.

Because they are the things we are strong in, they come naturally to us.

They are easy. We just assume that everyone has this super power because it’s so easy for us.

That’s where this assessment comes in.

It will tell you your top strengths, and how those strengths are valued in the workplace.

It’s the perfect combination of understanding what will give you the most fulfillment, AND what is in demand in the workplace.

Let me know if you end up taking it. I love to see people’s results.

And if you want more help defining your future and finding long term fulfillment, I can get you there.

Get started at amberdeibert.com/consult

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