
Which version of Impostor Syndrome do you experience?

You’re probably familiar with the Impostor Syndrome.

Even if that name doesn’t ring a bell, I’m certain that you’ve felt the Impostor Syndrome before.

It’s the feeling that you are a fraud. You might feel like people are going to find out that you have no idea what you were doing.

Did you know 70% of the population experiences the Impostor Syndrome from time to time?

It’s pretty prevalent.

The most interesting thing about it is that most people feel like they are the only one who feels this way.

People don’t talk about feeling like a fraud. And it’s obvious why — their worst fear is that people are going to find out that they don’t know what they are doing, and they are making it all up.

So of course we want to hide it.

But the funny thing is, if you talk to any of your close co-workers, they will tell you that they have experienced the same feeling before as well.

So you can rest reassured that you are in good company.

Today I want to tell you about the three different flavors of Impostor Syndrome.

Valerie Young, an Impostor Syndrome researcher, identified these three different versions of the Impostor Syndrome:

  1. People who think they are a fake. First, people tend to think they are a fake. They feel like at any moment, something could go wrong and their peers will shine a spotlight on them uncovering the fact that they’ve been making it all up
  2. The lucky ones. Second, a person might blame it all on luck. They were in the right place at the right time. The timing worked out perfectly, and/or the person who made the decision is in some way incompetent. They didn’t know all the facts when they made the decision.
  3. The downplayers. Lastly, a person will downplay everything. They’ll feel that if it was possible for them to accomplish this feat, then anyone can do it. It isn’t a difficult task. This group is unable to accept a compliment. If someone applauds their efforts, they diminish it.

Which one do you most identify with?

If you’re ready to overcome your Impostor Syndrome, once-and-for-all, I can help you. Get started today at amberdeibert.com/consult

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