
What to do about fear

Have you ever felt fear? Ha. 🙂

Unless there is something psychologically wrong with you, you probably feel some level of fear probably multiple times a day.

I was going through a program where we had to pay attention to all the fear that we felt for 24 hours.

Then we wrote down every time we felt fear over that 24 hours.

I was blown away.

I discovered that fear is kind of in the background of everything that happens in my day to day:

  • I was afraid of what people thought of me
  • I was afraid I wasn’t being the mom/wife/sister/friend I wanted to be
  • I was afraid I wasn’t taking good care of my physical health
  • I was afraid I was going to make a fool of myself in this business

It was amazing to step back and take a look at how much fear I was feeling on a day to day basis.

I really like what Gabrielle Bernstein says about fear.

She says that the opposite of fear is love.

I could take any one of those fears that came up for me and find a way to replace it with love instead.

“I’m afraid of what people think of me” what if I could just love myself completely instead.

What if I loved myself, and had my own back so much that it didn’t matter to me what other people thought.

Isn’t it interesting to think about how you can replace fear with love? Try it out for something you’re fearful of. I’d love to hear how it works for you.

Here’s one other thing I love to think about in regards to fear.

I love to think back to something in my past that was really scary.

Usually my mind goes back to auditioning or trying out for a team in high school.

Or finishing my first race.

Or mountain biking for the first time.

It was SO scary. Maybe even terrifying!

Can you think of something like that? Something you were scared of, but then did.

Is it STILL scary? Is it still terrifying?

Now that you did it and didn’t die, it isn’t as scary, right?

Isn’t that so weird?

You were scared of it before, but now you aren’t?

Your brain has evidence that whatever the thing is won’t kill you, so it’s not making a big deal about it anymore

Cool right?

I love to ask myself, “what is the next thing that I’m terrified to do that after I do it will be no big deal?”

When I find myself avoiding doing something because I’m afraid I like to think about what it will be like after I’ve done it and it’s not scary at all anymore

It makes it a lot easier to do

If you want more coaching on this, sign up for a consultation.

I’ll give you a tool you can use to solve your problems.

You’ve got nothing to lose. …it won’t even be that fear-inducing. I promise.

Get started at amberdeibert.com/consult

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